
I am from Boston: moved to the suburbs when I was six, left for college in the UK, and haven't spent a week away since without missing it. In poetry bookstores and multiple private libraries, Boston has an ambition. "You should be smarter. You really should get around to reading all those books you've been meaning to." Tyler Cowen thinks that everyone is a regional thinker, and that describes me well. When I think about class and wealth, I think about grad students. When I think about urbanism and city design, I remember a home where pedestrians ruled the streets. I grew up in a port city: I travel regularly, and enjoy meeting people. I am regularly in America's Northeast and West Coast and Britain, but mostly reside in DC, where I host a weekly dinner to which you are likely welcome (yes, you who hasn't done anything impressive).

I have gathered a list of short stories and essays that may be of interest to anyone who wishes they read more books. It can be sorted by wordcount, quality, or authorial or cultural importance, and I am always interested in new additions and improvements. 

Now for the material of more specific interest.

I combine political and subject-matter expertise to solve real problems


Data Analysis

Policy Investigation

Survey Design

Interviews (including protocol design)


MA and PhD; Policy Analysis; Pardee RAND Graduate School (Expected Completion Spring 2024)

MA; Philosophy, Politics, and Economics; University of Oxford (Balliol College, Graduated 2016)

Past Projects

I have done substantial non-public work at RAND. It has included work on port security; predicting needs of clients by looking at topic trends in congressional committee discussions with natural language processing; threats to quantum superiority, and interviews with servicemembers and providers about preventing harmful behaviors.  If any of this sounds interesting, please email me or book a time.